
Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Hi guys welcome back to my blog. My WALT today is W.A.L.T use a number line to help us solve addition and subtraction. Today I have got a DLO. My strategy is to use a number line and use the number line to use change unknown. I hope you guys like this blog post and you learn something for this DLO.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going on a trip to Canada with my little friend curios kiwi. He gets really bored on the plane so he need a book. So I am going to recommend a book that he can read on the trip to Canada. Here is my book that i recommend for the trip.

I recommend this book because it is really funny and cache book.

I like this book because it's all about bullies becoming buddies.

 Image result for diary of a minecraft zombie bullies and buddies

End of year test

Hi guys welcome back to my blog.Today my Walt W.A.l.T to practise our PAT test.  At the start of the year I done a test that is called the PAT comprehension tests and the STAR tests. I have been practising this for the past 2 weeks. At the start of the year I thought that I had done a good job I have got a stanine 7 for reading and stanine is a rating out of the tests. My goals in to do 1 stanine better so i can improve on my learning.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

I love this place

Hi guys, today I am showing you a slideshow about Canada. Canada is  beautiful place and if someday i could go there I would. I have done this for two days. I like Canada because it capital city is really cool and thats were I would stay if I go to Canada. Have a nice rest of the day. Please do not hesitate to comment on my blog.BYE
Canada site