We have been learning bout sedimentary rocks. Some sedimentary rocks are really soft because sometime limestone and chalk gets mixed into the stones and rocks. I made a sedimentary rock in class with y teacher and my fiends.When we made the sedimentary rock we made it with sand plaster of Paris. We had to let it set for about a week. I put fossils inside of the rock and I out rocks inside of my rock. Some sedimentary rocks can have fossils inside of them so they are worth a lot of money.
When we smashed it made big giant mess.
My partner was Susie she is the best buddy to have she is so nice. Some Sedimentary rocks can turn into metamorphic rock because heat and pressure.
Please do not hesitate to comment on this blog post. Have a nice rest of the day and long weekend. BYE and don't forget to ask questions in the comments.
It would look even cooler in slow mo in the video you can change this in the playback settings. I really enjoyed making this rock.